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​Volunteers are essential to the operations of the Rufus Porter Museum, especially during the summer months as our volunteers enable us to be open to the public.


Exhibit gallery volunteers assist visitors with information and questions about the exhibits and Rufus Porter.  Some volunteers work specifically in the museum store, while others participate on committees planning events, working with the collection, developing educational programs, helping with mailings, or caring for our buildings and grounds.  


Opportunities for volunteers: 

-Exhibit Gallery Volunteeer

-Museum Store Volunteer

-Office Volunteer

-Board Member

-Committee Member


If you are interested in volunteering, please download an application. Completed applications can be emailed, mailed, or dropped off. For further questions 

and queries please email:


The Rufus Porter Museum of Art and Ingenuity is accepting applications for the Dorothy W. Sanborn Summer Internship Program. Dotti Sanborn was an accomplished writer and teacher in Bridgton, and was a mentor to her students into their adulthood. Her life was a continual mingling of her many arts talents (quilting, painting, drawing) and her background in natural history (she wrote weekly columns in several papers). Dotti also had a keen interest in local and regional history.


Founded in 2005, the Rufus Porter Museum features the history of a remarkable 19th century New Englander, Rufus Porter (1792-1884).  Porter is well-known in the folk-art community for his landscape murals and miniature portraits; however, Porter was more than just a painter.  He was the founding publisher and editor of the magazine Scientific American as well as inventor, writer, teacher and more.  


Open seasonally from mid-June to mid-October, the Museum’s campus consists of two historic buildings – the Webb House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the Nathan Church House, which contains murals in situ in the style of the Rufus Porter School. The museum offers changing exhibits, lectures, classes, and special events that embrace Porter’s use of both art and science, oftentimes interchangeably.


INTERNSHIP GUIDELINES:  The focus of each internship will take into consideration the intern’s interests and educational requirements in conjunction with the needs of the Museum. The intern will create a project of his or her design, with Museum approval, that is aimed at an educational goal. The intern will work under the supervision of the Executive Director. In addition to work on a special project, the intern will give tours of the Museum, man the Museum Store, assist with public events and programs, and participate in the general operations of the Museum. This position offers a hands-on opportunity for an intern to experience working on all aspects of a small museum. At the completion of the internship, an exit interview will be conducted to discuss initial goals, the results of his or her project and overall experience, and recommendations for future projects and/or goals for the Museum. The intern will present his or her finished project both orally and in written form.


QUALIFICATIONS:  Graduate student or college junior or senior majoring or minoring in an appropriate field or have a demonstrable record of interest in a field connected to the mission of the Rufus Porter Museum of Art and Ingenuity.


HOW TO APPLY:  Email resume/CV, cover letter and three references (at least one academic) to:


DATES: June 1st to mid-August (dates are flexible)


AVAILABILITY: Maximum of 30 hours per week, Wednesday through Saturday


PAY STATUS: $15.00/hour


HOUSING: The Museum does not typically provide housing but may be able to assist.

Rufus Porter Museum of Art and Ingenuity, 121 Main Street, PO Box 544, Bridgton, ME, USA 04009, (207) 647-2828,

©2023 by Rufus Porter Museum of Art and Ingenuity - All Rights Reserved

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